Sheep Yogurt Benefits,
A comfortable,
Develop children's minds
The skin is the indispensable ingredient of the skin mask
Provides skin renewal and premature aging
< > Prevent tooth movement.
Eliminate the smell
The gums are inflamed
Sheep Knead
The acid that gives yoghurt sourness, the antibiotics produced by the bacteria in the yoghurt yeast, the microorganisms that make people sick.
Protect from diarrhea
Prevent constipation
Protect children from paralysis thanks to components
Money that causes diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery and bruxism,
Balance the stomach acid
It stimulates and restores the nervous system
Protects against the carcinogenic effects of fried foods used in meals
The essential balance of antibiotics to be used is the natural balance of the end-stage intestinal tract. Yoghurt makes this deteriorating balance healthy and healthy.
Food mildew cynics, aged, mildly cow grown, grown on the web, and kidnapped with high fat, high-fat sheep.
It is important to keep in mind that it is important to keep in mind that, The specialists who know that they have a good digestive ability are easier to digest and have a good nutritional qualities in every age.
Experts say that kneading is good for the functioning of the intestinal and digestive system, and warns that the oil-rich sheep may cause discomfort in people unfamiliar with the kneaded product.
In the hot summer months of sheep yoghurt, the people in this group are light cows, often because they are unfamiliar with people who are sick, old and tense. The improvement is due to the fact that the children in the net and the children are kneaded with a high fat ratio. Along with this, it is necessary for the dietitians to knead the bean curd more and more. Often it is rich in calcium and mineral matter, with a high fat content and a high degree of dental and bone health.
Experts recommend yoghurt, but not buttermilk.