In the antibiotic power that kneaded
You can easily reach the markets with mozarella cheese made of buffalo milk. Mozzarella cheese contains high protein, fat, phosphorus, calcium, which contributes to the healthy growth of children. The other item you might find is kneading buffalo. The mandarin is mixed with a very high B12 vitamin. It is a healthy alternate that does not eat red meat and kneaded buffalo for some vegetarians. These minerals and vitamins, which are protective effects against heart diseases from cancer such as magnesium, zinc and vitamin B 2, are found at a very high level. The disintegration of the lactose carbohydrate during fermentation of the buffalo eel facilitates digestion. Antibiotics and antimicrobials produced by lactic acid bacteria produce a high level of immunity. We should not forget to eat buffalo milk, yogurt, or at least 2 or 3 servings of cheese every day for a healthy lifestyle.